Priority for Data, Video and Information Services


  • Billy Brown, Executive Assistant Director, Emergency Communications, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)

Critical infrastructure vulnerability to cyber-attacks requires a whole of nation approach to mitigate even sophisticated nation states. A cyber-attack on the Nation’s critical infrastructure, whether successful or not, is likely to cause a significant overload on communications infrastructure and diminish private sector efforts along with coordination of federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government response. When the target of attack is the communications infrastructure itself, the resulting impacts impede communications operability and interoperability amongst emergency responders. Access to data, video and information services with priority and preemption is essential to effective and coordinated activities to ensure the safety of our citizens. The Next Generations Network Priority Service capabilities coordinated by CISA, enhance national security and the ability of emergency responders to seamlessly exchange information to perform mission essential national critical functions. Learn more about these critical CISA services from the Executive Assistant Director for Emergency Communications, Billy Bob Brown, Jr.

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