Next-Gen Application Security: Launch Effective Agile Security for Agile Development

Securing software in the world of DevOps requires proactive, not reactive, measures. One such proactive security tool is hacker-powered security. Hacker-powered security refers to any technique that utilizes the external hacker community to find unknown security vulnerabilities and reduce cyber risk. Common examples include private bug bounty programs, public bug bounty programs, time-bound bug bounty programs, and vulnerability disclosure policies.

Hacker-powered security is a proven and cost-effective means for reducing risk and improving security, while also enabling engineering scalability and efficiency. 

Read this comprehensive new guide to discover:

  • How to Effectively Use Hacker-Powered Security in Your Secure SDLC
  • Detailed descriptions of what hacker-powered security is and how to make it a part of your security program
  • How to Incorporate Bug Bounty in a DevSecOps workflow 

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