How a Software Company Increased Employee Security Maturity by 25% And Immediately Removed Key Vulnerabilities

Safeguarding the data that every company creates, collects, stores and exchanges is critical. Considering the value of information security, a software company enlisted Cognician’s help to guide staff towards a more data security-focused mindset.

Cognician developed a series of 20 challenges, called the Security Maturity Quest, for the company to run over a six-week period. Each challenge was created to make users more aware of potential security risks, offer tips for online and device security and overall, create a more security-first atmosphere across the business.

Download this resource to learn more about the Security Maturity Quest and how it:

  • activated employees to reduce or eliminate security vulnerabilities;
  • gauged the overall security knowledge of the company; and
  • encouraged users to immediately put new security behaviors into action.

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