Emerging Cybersecurity Technologies

Ransomware, cyber extortion, zero-day exploits, cloud threats, and supply chain attacks: a seemingly nonstop barrage of new exploits and attack campaigns emerge each day, leaving enterprises wondering if their existing security defenses can thwart the latest – and increasingly sophisticated – threats. In Q1 2023, Dark Reading will hold a full-day virtual event designed to update your team on some of the most promising emerging cybersecurity technologies and how you can adopt and deploy them in your enterprise. This event, Emerging Cybersecurity Technologies: What You Need to Know is a free, one-day online conference produced by the editors of Dark Reading, that offers an in-depth look at the latest security technologies and services.

You’ll hear about state-of-the-art techniques for stopping ransomware in its tracks. You’ll learn how to secure your critical data from threats in the cloud. And you’ll get insights into next-generation tools that can help streamline, augment, and integrate with the tools your security operations team already has in place.

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