Dark Reading Research: Concerns Mount Over Ransomware, Zero-Day Bugs, and AI-Enabled Malware

IT and cybersecurity leaders are more concerned than they were a year ago about zero-day threats, malware targeting cloud systems and services, and exploits against application and operating system vulnerabilities. However, most continue to perceive ransomware as their primary threat for the next two years at least.   

Download Dark Reading’s 2023 report “Concerns Mount Over Ransomware, Zero-Day Bugs, and AI-Enabled Malware” to read more about how many organizations struggle with higher malware volumes than in previous years. Many IT and cybersecurity executives are uncertain about their organizations’ defensive abilities, and worries about attacks exploiting zero-day flaws and automated polymorphic malware continue to rise. 

Read the report to see what our survey uncovered, and how it can help you and your organization combat cyber threats.

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