Contact Center PCI Compliance: Can Conversational AI Help?

You made it through the pandemic. Now you need to stay compliant in this new hybrid environment. The work-from-anywhere agent is the post-COVID reality for contact centers around the world. But compliance and agents-anywhere pose some significant risks and challenges. Data breaches have increased in number and severity, directly impacting revenue due to penalties and fines while eroding brand reputation, customer loyalty and trust.

Attend this webinar so you can learn:

  • Why data breaches and agents-anywhere pose such massive challenges 
  • The potential implications of these forces if not addressed in a comprehensive manner
  • The role of advanced Conversational AI in addressing payment card industry (PCI) compliance issues
  • How to prevent PCI breach risk, which in return protects your business from costly fines and irrevocable reputation and brand damage 
  • What it takes to bring a secure and trustworthy PCI exchange interaction between your customers and agents — with no added disruption or friction to the customer experience 
  • To create a compliant agent environment that protects your agents and employees wherever they are — onsite or remote 
  • The secrets to an easy solution that does not require customers to enter card details into a phone keypad and where agents won’t see or hear sensitive information

Audience questions to be addressed during live Q&A.

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