10 Strategies for Android mPoS Security

These days, many leaders in customer- facing industries are switching to mobile point-of-sale (PoS or mPoS) and for good reasons!

  • Traditional PoS solutions are heavy and clunky.
  • Many employers find that it’s hard to train new employees on outdated PoS systems.
  • Most traditional PoS systems rely on the vendor for security updates, which can happen sporadically or never.
  • Traditional point-of-sale repairs and upgrades require on-site technician visits, which can cost thousands of dollars annually.

It’s easy to see why the total cost of ownership for traditional PoS is much higher than mPoS when you factor in training, repair, and security risks.

Switching to mPoS can be an opportunity to improve your organization’s PoS compliance, especially if you’re proactive about total device health.

Business technology leaders face a lot of pressure to automate their retail point-of-sale operations and discover cost efficiencies. While switching from traditional PoS to Android mPoS makes clear sense for most organizations, you’lllikely be called upon to prove these effi- ciencies.

In this whitepaper, you’ll learn how the scope of your PCI responsibility and security obligations for Android mPoS stacks up to your traditional PoS obligations, and how to proactively manage an Android mPoS deployment for 24/7 compliance.

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