Reducing Commercial Auto Risk Exposure for Incomplete Trucks Through Accurate Data and Automation

Many commercial auto insurance carriers underestimate true OCN, leading to lower premiums and an incomplete understanding of risk. In order to more accurately assess risk and mitigate financial challenges from underinsuring vehicles on the road, carriers must know whether a vehicle is complete or incomplete as well as the upgrades it has had (or at least be able to estimate them). 

Download this guide and learn how to glean valuable insights that help to reduce exposure and mitigate costly premium leakage. Topics discussed include:

  • The difference between “complete” and “incomplete” commercial trucks
  • Why relying solely on VIN to estimate OCN often results in premium leakage
  • How much a final truck configuration can impact OCN
  • Easy-to-implement tools that can provide  more accurate information
  • And more!

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