Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

In today’s ever changing business world, the risk landscape of all organizations, no matter the size, is constantly evolving. Lower depth in value chains, fastly rising risks, and demands for greater resiliency, to mention a few, are being forced upon businesses with a fierce velocity.

Capturing these impacts and evaluating them within the context of a mature enterprise risk management lifecycle is essentially demanding a full transformation of the discipline.

New risk management dimensions in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM), operational and cyber resilience are emerging and expanding in importance, as threats to the organization become more dynamic and frequent than ever, drastically compressing the optimal reaction time of enterprises.

Check out our latest White Paper for a detailed look at Mitratech’s Six Steps for End-to-End Enterprise Risk Management.

Plus, new dimensions reshaping the risk landscape:

  • Cyber Risk Management
  • Third-Party Risk Management
  • ESG Risk Management

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