4 Business Problems Solved With Health Benefits

This infographic outlines four of the biggest challenges your clients are facing and an all-in-one fix for each! Share with your clients an employer-sponsored plan designed specifically for key employees that complements the primary health insurance plan so their company can:

  • Address four primary business problems
  • Leverage a tax-efficient* way to boost compensation
  • Provide a broad range of coverage types for different life-stage needs
  • Offer key employees a way to get back to “100% coverage” levels
  • Provide health, wellness and travel support services



*This is not local, state or federal tax advice as each person and each company is unique. It is recommended that you seek the independent counsel of a professional tax adviser.

ArmadaCare’s supplemental health insurance policies are underwritten by SiriusPoint America Insurance Company and Transamerica Life Insurance Company. Insurance plans and coverages vary by state. Please contact us to confirm state availability.

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