Your Guide to Google Analytics

Do you own a website or a blog? If so, do you have any idea how many visitors you get each day? And even if you've installed a counter and you've figured out how to gauge your traffic, do you have any idea where your visitors are coming from, what browsers most of them use, what search engines they use, or which of your pages is the most popular? These are the things that Google Analytics can do for you.

If it's your very first time ever using Google Analytics, don't worry, this guide will start from the very beginning and show you how to install it on your website, before diving into what Google Analytics offers.

Once you've installed the small code snippet on every page of your site you will have access to all of the following details about your website.
  • A high-level view of how many individual people have visited your site and how many pages they viewed
  • Where your site visitors live and what languages they speak
  • How visitors interacted with your website
  • The technology the visitors used to access your site
  • Other websites that are sending traffic your way
  • The most popular pages on your site
  • The many different ways people are reaching your site through search engines
As you can see, Google Analytics is a powerful tool. Many people think it's all about website traffic, but Google Analytics offers so much more than that. By using the tools detailed in this guide, you can gather reports on all sorts of website behavior and traffic sources. Also with this free guide you will receive daily updates on new cool websites and programs in your email for free, courtesy of MakeUseOf.

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