Why Secure Video Conferencing is Essential for Corporations

It’s critical for enterprise businesses to take steps to ensure that their communications and collaboration technology is secure to help build and maintain trust. According to PWC’s recent Trust in US Business Survey, 62% of consumers, 62% of employees, and 70% of businesses named protecting data and cybersecurity as
the top foundational element of trust in business.

Meanwhile, a Gartner study shows that businesses must find ways to provide their customers with personalized experiences that also protect their data and privacy. According to the 2022 Gartner Customer Service and Support Survey, 71% of B2C and 86% of B2B customers expect companies to be well informed about their personal information during an interaction, as they
want their experiences with a brand to be personalized. But at the same time, they want assurances from these brands that their data and identity is protected.
The challenge? Finding solutions that allow enterprises to provide personalized and engaging experiences for their clients while maintaining security. Video conferencing and collaboration is essential for providing effective remote communication for organizations in a wide range of industries.

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