Want to Reach Your Employees? Go Mobile!

In partnership with Dynamic Signal, Sutter Health launched an interactive mobile app for employees. In just four months, 35 percent of Sutter’s employees adopted the new tool—far exceeding their end-of-year goal. This pioneering solution has helped the organization inform and engage employees in a new way, while providing a broader, unifying perspective of who their teammates are.

In this webinar, Sutter Health’s communications team will share their journey in launching and sustaining the app, plus lessons learned along the way.

Join Sutter Health Communications team members Carey Peterson and Michelle Grant for our next Dynamic Signal webinar on Nov. 15 at 10 a.m. PST. The team will discuss:
  • Vision: why today’s organizations should consider a mobile app
  • Key stakeholders and how and when to involve them in an app launch
  • Getting real: what resources you need to launch and maintain a mobile-focused communications program

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