The 4 Blind Spots of ERP

Adopting a subscription model requires you to completely rethink almost every aspect of your business in order to innovate and monetize long term recurring relationships. At the ground level of this transformation is your IT infrastructure, specifically ERP systems.

But, at the end of the day, ERP was built to track products, not services or relationships. Businesses hit roadblock after roadblock attempting to monetize their subscription offerings within the limitations of these legacy systems. And the CIOs and IT teams struggle with blending systems like ERP that support their existing business with nimbler, agile systems that support innovation.

The 4 Blind Spots of ERP breaks down the transformation strategies required for your IT infrastructure into four simple areas...
  • Pricing & Packaging
  • Order Management
  • Transaction Processing
  • Metrics & Reporting
Don't let your ERP system be the roadblock to opening new revenue streams. Download the white paper today and learn how to augment your IT infrastructure where ERP falls short.

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