Save 40% or More Over Traditional Faxing With Biscom’s Cloud Fax Solution — A Customer Success Story

When Charles County Government was tasked with providing automation and efficiency to the traditional faxing process they chose Biscom over other cloud fax solutions due to Biscom's ability to scale up and down with their needs, a reduced total cost of ownership (TCOO), and Biscom's ability to integrate with their existing email and collaboration systems.  Unlike many other providers, Biscom offers flexible fax solutions that include on-premises, hosted cloud and hybrid fax solutions.  This allows customers to choose a solution that best meets their faxing needs with the reliability and scalability you'd expect from a fax solution company with almost 30 years of experience in enterprise fax solutions.  In this recorded webinar you'll learn what factored into their decision and how choosing Biscom has them on track for achieving 40% or more savings in faxing costs.

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