Pay-As-You-Grow: Investment Protection and Elasticity for Your Network

Top of mind is how to embed a high degree of elasticity to properly handle increasingly unpredictable application traffic loads, while still meeting strict performance Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Satisfying these often opposing goals requires that individual elements within the larger datacenter infrastructure provide a native capability to increase capacity and performance as conditions dictate. Recognizing this emerging need, Citrix® created NetScaler® Pay-As-You-Grow --a simple licensing model that provides on-demand elasticity, avoids costly hardware purchases and upgrades, and ensures that IT managers can quickly respond to changing traffic conditions. And because it leverages a software-based architecture, NetScaler Pay-As-You-Grow enables datacenter managers to purchase an application delivery solution optimally sized to meet current needs, while preserving the ability to scale up to support future capacity requirements--all without purchasing additional hardware.

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