Modernizing ITSM in the Public Sector

Public sector IT leaders are turning to no-code ITSM platforms for better integration, automation, and self-service.  Most IT teams have initiatives underway to level-up the IT Service Desk.  The challenges and opportunities are typically quite clear, however, due to an overwhelming backlog of IT work and the cumbersome nature of many IT service platforms, the needle cannot move.

However, this has all changed with no-code ITSM.  In this eBook, Six Public Sector IT leaders discuss how they have implemented these strategies, resulting in improved service management outcomes. For example, Oklahoma City was able to dramatically improve self-service and the city of Avondale leveraged ESM without the need for IT to service each group… Pima County introduced automation to reduce manual tasks.

From improved ticket triage to better self-service with the automation of password resets, public sector IT teams will benefit from modernization.  Reduce the administrative burden, decrease IT dependency for basic updates, automate onboarding, deploy ESM and gain visibility to resources across tickets & projects.

Get this eBook to see real-life examples of ITSM Modernization.

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