Live Video Assistance: Combining In-Person Service Levels with Digital Convenience in the Travel Industry

Travel know-how and desires are unique to individuals and a traveler's online booking options are limitless. To turn travel browsers into buyers, an online business operating in the travel industry needs to provide an exceptional customer experience. Incorporating live video assistance into your Web strategy is the best way travel companies can provide customized support for a distinctive and often complex purchase.

Discover the latest report from Vee24 Live Video Assistance: Combining In-Person Service Levels with Digital Convenience in the Travel Industry to discover how best in class online travel services are using live video to:

  • Deliver the personal experience previously only available from an in-person travel agent.
  • Connect with customers over any web browser or through mobile apps, using voice, video, text, and co-browsing.
  • Increase sales conversion rates and average order values (AOV), while improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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