In a world of geo-political and economic uncertainty, organizations with Operational Technology (OT) must find a new balance between gaining operational benefits and achieving cyber resilience. Many critical environments rely on a complex mix of legacy OT and newer Industrial IoT (IIoT) devices, creating an ever-more targeted security gap. While governments around the world are releasing funds to improve their nation’s cybersecurity maturity, any organization must acknowledge it is a potential target, with critical infrastructure and other high-value targets at the top of the list.

This document provides an overview of current trends in OT and ICS security, and outlines why true asset visibility and behavior pattern recognition are key to protect industrial environments from a damaging cyber intrusion.

The Armis advantage:

Complete visibility
• Powerful discovery
• Unified asset inventory
Contextual intelligence
• Multidimensional views
• Comprehensive analytics and intelligence
Continuous security
• Vulnerability assessment
• Policy enforcement
Rapid time to value
• Modern cloud architecture
• Industry leader, trusted partner

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