End User Experience Management Complements Mobile Device Management

Take the Next Step to Ensuring Mobile Success

Enterprise Mobility Management solutions play a key role in ensuring that mobile apps are well-architected, intuitive to use, compatible with multiple operating systems, secure, and much more. But ensuring excellent mobile user experience only begins there. It continues with app usage and performance in the field. That’s where Aternity Workforce APM comes in.

Download the How End User Experience Management Adds Value to Mobile Device Management whitepaper to learn how Aternity Workforce APM complements MDM and MAM solutions to help improve mobile customer satisfaction and workforce productivity. In this whitepaper, you will learn how Aternity Workforce APM:

  • Closes the visibility gap between the workforce’s real user experience as they conduct business, and what application-centric APM tools are reporting; and
  • Addresses the full range of mobile APM use cases for developers of mobile enterprise apps, IT Ops that support them and the line of business that relies on them to drive the business.

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