Effective Strategies for Protecting Against Business Email Compromise (BEC)

While security tools have become more adept at detecting payloads in emails, attacks that lack known indicators and rely instead on impersonation/social engineering tactics are successfully bypassing these traditional controls and reaching inboxes.

Why Is It So Difficult for Organizations to Stop BEC? BEC attacks reach user email inboxes because they evade traditional methods of email security that primarily depend on technical threat indicators typically observed in email messages. If an organization’s email security controls are not effective against email impersonation and social engineering, they are at high risk of experiencing a successful BEC attack.

BEC threats are not overly sophisticated and, in fact, they’re rather basic in nature. However, it’s that simple style and impersonation that make them so much more difficult to detect. Read this white paper to learn about the most common BEC threats and what you can do to stop them.

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