Coffee and BI are for Closers: Mixing Analytics with Customer-Facing Activity

For better or worse, books are usually judged by their covers. The same is true of organizations across all industries, as customers base their first impressions and decisions to do additional business on their interactions with customer-facing employees. Sales, marketing, and service employees must manage relationships, drive new business, and demonstrate detailed knowledge of products and services. Clients can be won or lost in a single interaction, so top performing organizations properly equip their personnel prior to engaging the market. Business Intelligence (BI) tools empower this section of the workforce with insight that leads to smarter decision making and improved efficiencies. Sixty-one percent (61%) of surveyed organizations reported strong or highly pervasive use of business analytics in these lines-of-business. Analytics can serve the needs of any client-handler, from executives on down. This Analyst Insight will examine how top performing organization are managing and delivering actionable data, developing BI-savvy employees, and utilizing analytics to meet the demands of the customer-facing workforce.

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