CFTC and EMIR reporting rewrites: getting it done, getting it right for the future

We brought together a panel of industry experts from Standard Chartered Bank, CIBC, DerivSource and Firebrand Research to discuss the common challenges in meeting the new requirements of the CFTC Rewrite and EMIR Refit. The event explored the tools available to help you streamline processes, reduce errors and establish a future-proof trade reporting operation.

Watch the recording now to discover:

·   The challenges, similarities and differences between the CFTC Rewrite and EMIR Refit

·   The impact of the new reporting rules on data quality and management

·   Why reconciliation processes need to change to better support the new rules

·   What the blueprint for strategic, scalable and efficient derivatives trade reporting looks like

·   How new technology can support you in futureproofing your reporting

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