Bringing Web 2.0 to the Enterprise: Leveraging Social Computing Technologies for ERP Applications

Web 2.0 technologies bring capabilities to business users that were not possible previously. These include enabling users to securely access structured and unstructured information across the enterprise in a single search; enhancing collaboration both internally and with partners, suppliers and customers; boosting the usability of business applications; improving the ability to customize and integrate applications; as well as simplifying application upgrades and maintenance. The strategic value of these capabilities depends on the organization's business strategy.

While many business users are familiar with these technologies through personal use, they remain uncertain as to how these technologies can provide strategic benefits to their business.

Therefore, most organizations are not incorporating Web 2.0 technologies strategically. This white paper describes the business challenges addressed by new Web 2.0 technologies, and ways that organizations can incorporate them to create powerful new business models.

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