Boosting Enterprise Application Performance in Distributed Environments

Modern business critical enterprise applications bring unique management challenges, especially when it comes to the performance of the applications and the ability of company networks and WANs to provide the best performance infrastructure for these applications. An excellent example of this type of modern core enterprise application platform is Microsoft SharePoint. Many businesses have adopted SharePoint as a platform to stay connected, collaborate, manage vital knowledge and content and to help employees and partners find the information they need. However, the SharePoint platform can often utilize both internal and cloud based systems, connect to a wide variety of other applications and systems, and contain an ever growing amount of data. Making enterprise systems, like SharePoint, perform at their best can be a tough task that can be even more challenging when a business needs to deliver these enterprise applications to multiple offices and locations. This report looks at how organizations are successfully managing and boosting the performance infrastructure of their networks in order to improve the performance of enterprise applications across all of their locations.

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