Benchmarking Business Transformation

Business transformation is not just important; it’s vital to the success of all organizations in the 21st century marketplace.  How an IT organization approaches and executes the directive to consolidate efforts from cost-center to revenue contributor has not only transformed the IT organization, it is also changing how companies retain competitive advantage and the requirements of internal and external customers.

The result of this new shift is that best practices and benchmarks are few and far between. New research identifies the latest best practices for “transforming from IT to BT” by cultivating new visions for system architecture and project orientation. The next logical step is to determine what external factors contribute to this change as well.

Hence, Headspring announces this annual benchmarking survey of IT leadership to further evaluate how size of company, use of vendors, and immediacy of projects influence perceived risks and benefits of business transformation initiatives.  

The survey is 10 questions long and is intended to take less than 5 minutes,

It is available via a link within this information brief.

If you are an Executive and/or an IT Manager you should participate.

Should you participate, you will get the executive report of the findings and recommendations (as soon as they become available). The information will be developed for large enterprises to be an immediate value to outsourcing and business transformation directives. 

In addition, participants are automatically entered to win one of three $200 Visa Gift Cards. Up to three winners will be randomly selected from all eligible participants.

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