Virtual Instructor-Led Training: The Best of All (Learning) Worlds?

Virtual Instructor-Led Training (vILT) offers many of the advantages, and overcomes some of the limitations, of in-person training. Participants benefit from many ways to interact with the instructor and each other -- all from the comfort and convenience of their “home bases” anywhere in the world.

Yet vILT also presents obstacles that can block learning if overlooked. To explore the pros and cons, watch a 5-minute interactive video webcast. This free QuickCast will give you a balanced view of:
  • Reasons why you should consider vILT for your learners
  • Key features to look for when evaluating vILT options
  • Limitations to be aware of
You will also receive a free research report brimming with insight on the benefits, challenges and success factors for virtual instructor-led training.

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