Smarter, leaner way to human capital recruitment, productivity for H.R. depts, senior managers at organizations $23M to Over $1B

Key takeaways:

  • reliance on ERP / technology tools for talent acquisition disadvantageous to hiring organizations
  • a smarter, leaner way exists - without spending more money on the issue

Hear from top recruiter for General Electric, Northrop Grumman, Citigroup on what smartest hiring organizations do.

Hear from U.S. Marine Colonel and Department of Homeland Security deputy about employee / team development.

All in under four pages.



Corey Weiner has worked on lead gen programs for advertisers including Merck and Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Wyeth-Aerst, Novartis, NY Life Advanced Markets, AXA Equitable, John Hancock USA and AIG American General.

And four-plus years doing consumer behavior research for the renowned Nielsen Company qualifies Corey to refine / reposition multimedia for advertisers less interested in brand / top-of-mind awareness and more so in seeing sales leads / new business activity go up.

Corey's YouTube channel and classified executive briefings give subscribers hard-to-find case studies covering Microsoft, Mastercard, AOL, DeBeers, Nissan USA and others in concise clips.







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