Recruiters on Twitter: B2B Social Insights Report

While buyer personas, surveys, and search marketing data can get you in the ballpark, we believe social media insights are now a “must-have” for understanding key business professionals in a way that becomes truly actionable.

With this in mind, we developed this report, Recruiters on Twitter. Using Leadtail’s B2B Social Marketing technology to analyze data from Twitter, this report reveals insights about recruiters to help you answer questions such as:

  • Which social networks are recruiters active on?
  • What topics are they talking about?
  •  How are they using mobile to engage via social media?
  • What sources of content are these HR professionals sharing?
  • What are the most influential people, brands, and publications with recruiters?

Armed with these social media insights, you can now take a more informed look at your strategy for reaching, engaging, and influencing recruiters, and getting them to take the actions you care about most.

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