Paycards Appeal Strengthens For Employers As Regulatory Changes Impact Direct Deposit Participation

With major banks recently announcing plans to eliminate rewards programs and implementing new fees, employees may be less inclined to have their paychecks direct deposited. Can the future of paycards deliver you from the dark ages of a paper-based payroll?

In this webinar conducted with the American Payroll Association, you'll discover how to maximize electronic payroll adoption - even as employees abandon checking accounts - by increasing the value of paycards to employees as a low-cost alternative. Additionally, you'll learn how regulatory changes have impacted paycards, and which programs were forced to cut services while others remained unaffected.

About FSV: As a leading paycard provider, FSV Payment Systems offers a proven, comprehensive strategy for achieving the highest electronic payroll adoption rates. FSV has the resources and expertise to help you develop a fully-compliant electronic payroll program that meets your need for cost savings and productivity gains, while enhancing employee satisfaction.

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