Globoforce Workforce Mood Tracker Report

How can HR leaders build a productive, engaged workforce for the long-term when employees feel dissatisfied, disengaged and unappreciated?

The latest workforce trends illustrate how HR leaders can help boost productivity and retain key employees through Strategic Recognition™:
  • 78% of U.S. workers said being recognized motivates them in their job.
  • 69% stated they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognized.
  • Among respondents who stated they plan to search for a new job this year, only 24% are satisfied with the level of recognition they receive at work. Conversely, 63% of employees who have no plans of leaving are satisfied with their level of recognition.
Frequent, specific and timely recognition is a powerful means to communicate to employees that what they do is valued and appreciated.

Download the Globoforce® Workforce Mood Tracker™ Report to find out how your company can improve employee engagement and reduce turnover.

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