Get today’s top 10 in-demand skills and learn how to gain a competitive recruiting advantage.

Despite chronic skills gaps continuing around the globe and economic uncertainty ahead, talent leaders are faced with the monumental task of making sure they are well resourced. And limited talent pools, budget cuts and hiring slowdowns are making hiring more confusing and complex than ever before. But if your business doesn’t have the right people to achieve its goals, you can expect your organization to fall behind in the rapidly changing global economy.

Get the market intelligence you need to develop talent acquisition and skilling strategies that will give your company a competitive advantage. Find out which markets are best for finding high-demand skills. Understand how remote working policies should be crafted based on location and job roles. Learn where there are opportunities to hire and develop talent based on the adjacent skills they already have.

The “2022 Global in-demand skills report” provides 150 pages of easy-to-navigate market intelligence based on real job posting, professional network and verified data across 26 markets. Download your copy to see the top ten in-demand skills, and access insights on nine factors — from compensation to market competitiveness — for each. 

  • artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML)
  • cloud computing
  • Big Data
  • business intelligence and data visualization (BI/DV)
  • user interface and user experience (UI/UX)
  • mobile app development
  • cybersecurity
  • customer service
  • sales and business development (BD)
  • financial management/budgeting and accounting

How your business responds to the widening skills gap and talent shortages will be critical to your growth in the months and years ahead. This intelligence will help you better understand these market complexities to inform and develop a well-crafted talent strategy that gives you a competitive advantage moving forward.

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