Flexible work is here to stay

More than 90% of employers say that productivity has stayed the same or improved with employees working remotely, and 82% say they will implement flexible working at a greater scale post-pandemic, according to a Mercer flexibility survey.

But, flexible working has not been without its pitfalls: employees are working three hours longer on average each day, 41% of employees have reported experiencing new or increased pain in shoulders, backs, or wrists since working from home; and due to various factors 65% of employers have seen an increase in the utilization of behavioral health.

Watch Mercer’s video to learn: 

  • The #1 reason to adopt flexibility in your organization
  • The 5 crucial dimensions of flexible working
  • How a flexible working strategy can create a more inclusive value proposition

Enable your flexible work strategy to improve employee experience and address your business needs.  Watch the video.

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