Mental Health and Corporate Counsel: Your Guide to Encouraging a Healthy Environment for Attorneys

Are your attorneys doing alright? More leaders in the legal sector are asking themselves this simple but significant question. Long hours, demanding workloads, and other factors contribute to a high burnout rate as well as increased bouts with depression and substance misuse. Law department leaders need to be cognizant of the potential mental health issues of their in-house attorneys. 

For General Counsel who are ready to do their part, this eBook compiles insights from recruiters, GCs, and industry experts to help you consider these challenges in a way that maximizes the results for your people and your organization. 

Download this eBook, which covers:

  • The current state of mental health in the legal industry
  • How to gauge the mental health of your team
  • Finding the right resources for your team
  • Creating a culture of engagement around mental health

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