The Ultimate Guide to Global DTC Ecommerce for Luxury Brands

According to ESW’s recent global shopper survey, 43% of respondents self-identified as luxury shoppers. With 25% of personal luxury goods sales expected to be online by 2025, luxury brands face continued pressure to bring the premium shopping experience online.

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) ecommerce sales are expected to climb 17% to $151.6 billion in 2025 and best-in-class luxury brands are realizing the need to seize this opportunity. With greater ownership of customer data and relationships, more flexibility, and visibility over their business, brands who capitalize on the DTC trend will see faster growth and drive higher customer lifetime values.

While the benefits are clear, taking this strategy global is not always smooth sailing. There are multiple complexities, many which vary between each country. Staying on top of these nuances and establishing processes to overcome them can be a time-consuming and expensive investment for brands. This ebook details nine major obstacles brands face in expanding globally and how to overcome them.


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