Taking XBRL and Financial Disclosure Management to the Cloud

While external drivers such as the compliance mandate, drove much of XBRL adoption in the early part of 2011 (as cited by 55% of the respondents in the “Enabling Compliance and Business Improvements through XBRL” report in April 2011). Internal drivers such as executive orders to improve data quality (42%), demand to improve staff productivity (30%) guided adoption of XBRL and other financial disclosure management tools, drove adoption in the latter part (Q3 and beyond) of 2011 (as per the August study, entitled Effective Disclosure Management: Ensuring Compliance and Improving Organizational Communication). XBRL adoption in 2012 continues to move along this trajectory with one key difference - companies are now looking beyond basic capabilities of financial reporting and towards expedited information delivery, leveraging fewer resources, and reducing operational costs.

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