State of the Industry: Lending Challenges Facing Credit Unions in 2023

Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023

Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT

Sponsored by: Open Lending


2023 is shaping up to be an interesting and challenging year for lending. In fact, 71% of credit unions are reporting a rise in delinquency rates this year according to a recent survey. As a result, credit union leaders are more focused on minimizing loan defaults and simultaneously growing their portfolio. If your organization is struggling to make loan decisions that are both timely and efficient while also trying to reduce delinquency rates, then you're not alone. 


Join us for a "state of the industry" discussion about lending challenges in 2023, how to improve your loan decision process, and tips to minimize risk during a recession. We’ll be sharing the latest insights from our Lending Enablement Benchmark Study, as well as:


  • Top reasons lenders deny loans to potential borrowers

  • Trends in delinquency rates in 2023

  • Top strategic priorities for financial institutions in 2023

  • How others are solving for decreases in auto loan certs



Matt Roe | Chief Revenue Officer | Open Lending 

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