Road Map for a Telematics-Driven Claims Process

In today’s marketplace many insurers are embracing telematics as a tool to more effectively price risk. However, the most innovative professionals in the insurance industry are looking beyond pricing for new ways to use and leverage telematics. Adopting them to improve your claims process is the next logical step.

Download this guide which will help you identify key steps in the auto insurance claims process where you can use telematics to make a big impact and learn how, when effectively integrated in the process, telematics can:

  • Reduce allocated loss adjustment expenses through lower towing, storage, rental, inspection, and repair costs
  • Reduce unallocated loss adjustment expenses through shorter cycle times
  • Improve customer satisfaction and retention through faster settlements and better interactions

A fully telematics-driven claims process takes time and resources to put in place, but this guide provides a road map to get you there.

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