Future of Client Engagement & Business Growth

Date: Thursday, August 17, 2023

Time: 1 pm ET | 10 am PT

Cost: Complimentary

Sponsored by: eMoney

Client engagement is key for financial advisors seeking to retain existing clients, and add new ones as well. In this webcast, an expert panel will break down how advisors can evaluate the effectiveness of their current approaches and what new thinking, tools and data they can embrace to expand their engagement and grow their advisory practices. Considerations like these are critical for advisors today in an increasingly competitive and data-driven marketplace for financial advice.

Join this complimentary webcast to discover best practices that can strengthen engagement, client relations and overall business results. You’ll learn:

  • How and where your client engagement is falling short today
  • How new analysis, insights and technology tools can improve your client engagement and your business growth
  • Best practices that can boost your business in 2023
  • And more!


Janet Levaux | Editor in Chief | ThinkAdvisor & Investment Advisor

Julie Littlechild Founder and CEO | Absolute Engagement

Joe Buhrmann, MBA, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC® Senior Financial Planning Practice Management Consultant | eMoney Advisor

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