Flexible, Scalable & Compliant: Automated Global Payments & Cash Management

TeamViewer, a rapidly growing global technology company, was facing increasing challenges around cumbersome, time-consuming work due to a range of disparate systems. This white paper outlines how their 2-person treasury team managing 10 legal entities, 7 banks, and 39 individual bank accounts spread across 11 countries established a seamless connection between their systems to boost ROI and support growth initiatives.  and an easy integration approach for managing future M&A activity across new systems and banks; allowing them to address their global enterprise payments, bank connectivity and cash management needs. 

Download this white paper and learn about:

  • How they overcame challenges in global payments, bank connectivity and cash management
  • 3 considerations they used to determine their technology needs
  • How they achieved full and rapid onboarding of a new system
  • The resulting ROI in daily cash visibility, payments automation & security coverage
  • Steps in their journey to payment optimization

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