Five Questions to Ask Before Choosing Responsive Web Design for Your Financial Services Firm

Growing numbers of banks and financial service organizations are adopting responsive web design to address heated demand for multi-device application access. Should your firm do the same? Though responsive design may not always be the best solution to your mobility needs, it offers extremely attractive advantages, and is a powerful option to increase the number of customers who can use your applications effectively. If you're a CXO, IT leader, or business executive looking for increased customer satisfaction, support efficiencies, and competitive advantage for your financial services firm, read this white paper. It highlights five key considerations that are essential to assess whether responsive web design is the right choice for your financial services organization.

You will learn:

  • Opportunity for competitive advantage is available due to low user satisfaction with current mobile technologies offered by financial service institutions
  • Responsive design offers numerous benefits, with a few limitations
  • Which banks and financial services  are the early adopters of responsive web design
  • Do you really need responsive web design?
  • Misconceptions, timing and risk considerations

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