Board Meeting Essentials: SaaS Finance KPIs

 Do you know which KPIs tell the most accurate story about where your company has been and where it’s going? If you don’t, you’re not alone. Board meetings can be daunting, and many executives struggle
to create the best presentation. This is especially true in terms of financial metrics for SaaS companies. The SaaS world is always changing, and every quarter brings new thoughts about the best practices for evaluating a company’s financial standing.
Caught in this predicament, SaaS executives struggle to use their Board meetings effectively. Half the time they omit important metrics, which leaves Board members scratching their heads and wondering why such obvious information is absent.
The rest of the time, executives include too much information – throwing dozens of metrics against the wall to see what sticks. The result? A collection of Board members overwhelmed by data, hungry for a coherent story about how the company is faring. Don’t be one of these executives. In this eBook, we analyze the 5 essential finance metrics that all SaaS companies should include in their Board meetings:
1. Revenue Growth
2. Cash Flow
3. Profit Margins
4. Churn
5. Bookings

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