Assessing Financial Performance — Developing Your Finance Skills

Assessing your financial performance can be one of the most important aspects in managing your business. Use this eBook to make sure you're doing it correctly.

Chapter 1 - Financial Statement Analysis
Chapter 2 - Key Accounting Ratios
Chapter 3 - Types of Key Accounting Ratios
Chapter 4 - Current Ratio Analysis
Chapter 5 - Calculating Profit
Chapter 6 - Business Performance Ratios
Chapter 7 - Price/Earnings Ratios
Chapter 8 - Price-to-Book Ratio
Chapter 9 - PEG (Price/Earnings to Growth) Ratio
Chapter 10 - Dividend Yield

You will learn:

  • How key accounting ratios can be derived from readily available financial statements
  • How to tell if a business is solvent by using the current ratio and the quick ratio
  • How to tell if a business is profitable and to put any profit into perspective by looking at ratios that compare profit as a percentage of sales or assets
  • How to look at individual parts of the business to gain insight into their individual profitability and efficiency
  • How to assess the investment potential and overall health of an organization

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