Why Companies Are Turning to Visibility Technology to Safeguard Shipments

Cargo theft and damage cost businesses hundreds of millions of dollars a year — and the ripple effect can be disruptive and disastrous. For example, the theft of technology and electronics shipments can wreck production cycles, product launches/availability and assembly schedules, while the damage of food or pharmaceuticals can trigger recalls.

Transfer points, where freight changes hands, pose the greatest risk. Shipments awaiting pickup at ports are particularly susceptible. The same goes for rail-to-road transfers, especially during the final leg of the journey.

In this webinar, we explore how companies are using real-time visibility technology to reduce and prevent the risk of cargo theft and damage. We’ll discuss:

  • What role the technology plays in helping companies avoid these issues
  • How the technology can bring peace of mind, mitigate insurance claims and keep the supply chain running smoothly
  • Why companies need to pay closer attention to cargo theft and security risk mitigation now

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