Wars Are Won on the Battlefield, Not the Command Post

It’s not easy being CEO. With all of its privileges comes much responsibility. Your staff and every employee in your company depend on your leadership. As companies grow, however, the opportunity for personal engagement and involvement diminishes. There are plenty of valid reasons why, but for your troops, no excuse is entirely acceptable.

Like every great general, the genius is finding the balance between ruling and serving. You set the tone and plan the strategy from the command post but your job isn’t complete until your troops are willing to fight for your cause. In order to win their faith, you must prove you are ready to fight alongside them on the battlefield.

Download this eBook to learn:
- Where discrepancies lie between CEOs and employees

- How to establish personal relationships with employees

- How to make yourself more accessible

- Common challenges other CEOs face as leaders

- How to align corporate strategy with employee goals

- How to avoid constant crisis intervention

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