Legal Operations: Challenges, Opportunities & Future Trends

Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT

Sponsored by: DISCO


Today, law firms and in-house legal professionals are much more savvy when it comes to understanding the critical role of legal operations. But they need more work to drive operational efficiencies. This discussion will explore what "innovation" means within the context of a modern law department, the most pressing legal ops challenges, and how firms and legal professionals can overcome them. 


Join this webcast to hear from Connie Brenton, a legal operations pioneer and VP of Law, Technology and Operations at NetApp, and technology experts from DISCO discuss:


  • Legal ops trends we can expect to see in the coming years
  • How to ensure law departments are aligned with the business
  • What has changed in legal ops since Connie started her career
  • How technology will support operational objectives in the coming year



Connie Brenton | VP of Law, Technology, and Operations | NetApp

Katie Debord | Vice President | DISCO

Kristin Zmrhal | Vice President | DISCO

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