IF NOT NOW WHEN? Achieving Equality for Women in the Courtroom and ADR

DATE: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 

TIME: 2:00 pm EST / 11:00 am PST

Conversation around the gender gap in law is drawing more attention in the wake of the #METOO movement. Attend this webcast to learn how legal stakeholders can take a proactive role in addressing gender disparity, while earning 1.0 diversity CLE credits.

Join two gender equality trailblazers, Carrie Freed, Assistant GC at Phillip Morris International and Hon Elizabeth Bonina NAM (National Arbitration and Mediation), as they raise awareness and outline steps law firms, corporate counsel, judges, clients and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) providers can take to move the needle towards a solution.

Attend this webcast that will cover:

  • Recommendations to achieve equality for women in the courtroom and ADR
  • Unethical conduct in mediation
  • How firms must establish programs to ensure women associates are provided with the opportunity to argue motions in court
  • Review of NYSBA’s Report: IF NOT NOW, WHEN? Achieving Equality For Women In The Courtroom and In ADR

Continuing Education Credit

*This program is approved (or pending approval) for:

  • 1.0 Diversity credit in NY
  • 1.0 Elimination of Bias credit in CA
  • 1.0 Ethics credit in NJ (PENDING APPROVAL)
  • 1.0 Diversity & Inclusion credit in IL (PENDING APPROVAL)

Featured Speakers

Hon. Elizabeth Bonina (Ret.) | Justice of the Supreme Court, Kings County & NAM (National Arbitration and Mediation)
Carrie B. Freed | Assistant GC | PMI Global Services INC.

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