Holiday Decorating For Dummies – FREE eBook available for a limited time (Usually $12.99)

Even if your home’s decor hasn’t changed since 1976, you can refresh, revamp, and revitalize it at the holidays with just a few simple strokes. Unlike regular decorating – where you agonize over paint colors, upholstery choices, and furniture styles – holiday decorating is easy. Holidays provide a set theme; a color palette; and merchandise and motifs that are usually mass-manufactured, so you can purchase and decorate when you’re ready.

You may be feeling intimidated about decorating for the holidays, or you may be ready to dive right in. No matter what level of decorator you may be, Holiday Decorating For Dummies shows you tricks that you may not already know. This guide is for you if:

  • You need easy, affordable ideas to fill your house with holiday cheer
  • You have no idea where to start and just need some ideas to get you going.
  • You already have a huge collection of your own holiday stash and need to get organized before acquiring more
  • You love to celebrate very special occasions: an anniversary, a special birthday, a warm welcome home

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