ERP plus BI: Maximizing the Return on your ERP Investment

Aberdeen defines Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions as an integrated suite of modules that form the operational and transactional system of record upon which any business is based. As such, ERP systems contain large amounts of data that can be used to gain visibility into business operations and underpin informed management decisions. But, often there is difficulty in finding the data needed and analyzing it to gain insight. Data may be siloed or inaccessible to business users, preventing these organizations from gaining the full Return On Investment (ROI) from their ERP implementations. On the other hand, Business Intelligence (BI) solutions can provide tools for business users to interact with and analyze data. By making data more consumable for the end user, organizations are arming employees with the tools they need to seek out data and integrate it into all business decisions. This ability for agile decision-making is incredibly valuable in a volatile market. This Analyst Insight, based on data collected by Aberdeen's Business Intelligence and Enterprise Resource Planning practices, illustrates how organizations can effectively integrate ERP and BI solutions to provide better access to management information than either solution can provide alone.

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