Beyond Case and Matters Management: Why Embracing Tech Is Essential for Law Firm Survival

The legal industry has tended to lag behind other professional services and industries in terms of technology adoption. This is no secret; lawyers and law firms have long been known as late adopters of technology. Not only are they somewhat risk-averse and skeptical by nature, they are used to the glacial pace of the court system and develop attachments to processes and ways of conducting business that can make adopting new methods challenging.

However, in a post-pandemic environment, legal technology adoption is poised to be a critical factor in determining whether a law firm thrives or survives. Legal technology is not a new phenomenon, and it has only been brought into sharper focus in the current environment. And, perhaps, these changes have deepened the legal industry’s appreciation for technology and the vital role it plays. Data from 2020 shows that firms knew they had to quickly embrace change, with one Bloomberg survey reporting 77% of respondents being prepared to increase use of legal technology.

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